
Can Veneers Fix Crowded Teeth?

Can Veneers Fix Crowded Teeth?

Veneers are an increasingly popular solution for improving the look of your teeth. They’re adept at covering up issues with staining, cracking or other common wear and tear. But can veneers fix crowded teeth too? It’s a very common question from people who are new to the idea of veneers or who have previously tried other forms of treatment. 

The simple answer is that yes, veneers can be a way to address crowded teeth and improve their appearance. Veneers are moulded appliances that are attached to your existing teeth, so they can be made to look more or less exactly how you want them. A skilled dental professional can create an even smile for you, even if you have previously had issues with crooked or overcrowded teeth. 

With that said, there are a few points to consider before you opt for this type of treatment. Composite veneers and porcelain veneers both address the issue in different ways, and it’s worth weighing up which is most appropriate for your needs.  

Composite veneers and crowded teeth 

Composite veneers are made out of a resinous material and attach directly over your existing teeth. They’re not permanently affixed to your mouth and can be removed in subsequent months or years if required. They’re also relatively easy to repair; they’re a little more prone to chipping or cracking than their porcelain counterparts, but they can be patched up while you’re visiting your dental professional. 

The downside for composite veneers is that they don’t tend to look quite as natural as porcelain veneers. This isn’t necessarily a major issue; in some cases, creating a uniform smile in an otherwise crowded mouth may be more important than having an entirely naturalistic look. 

However, they may not be an ideal long-term option if you have crowded teeth. As they’re attached to your existing teeth, you will want to speak to a dental professional and ensure that you’re not running the risk of worsening the issue or potentially causing other oral hygiene issues. They’ll be able to talk you through the process. People sometimes opt for measures such as braces or tooth removal prior to having veneers attached. 

With all of this said, you might still be wondering, “Will veneers fix crooked teeth?” Yes, at least temporarily. In fact, sometimes people will opt for composite veneers for a period of time to decide whether the more permanent option of porcelain veneers is appropriate for their needs. 

Porcelain veneers and crowded teeth 

Porcelain veneers are a more permanent option for addressing crowded or crooked teeth. After an impression is made of your mouth (either in moulding clay or digitally), your dentist will shave down portions of your teeth in order to create the optimum fit for your veneers. This typically addresses crowding or crooked teeth in a fashion that composite veneers don’t; rather than simply adding a cosmetic attachment to the teeth, the problematic teeth themselves are also addressed. 

Porcelain veneers also tend to have a more natural look, which has made them a popular choice for many. However, they are a permanent choice — they’re a lifelong option, so you’ll need to periodically have them replaced. It’s important to discuss these considerations with your dentist before you make any final decisions about which is the right option for your needs.

Learn more with iSmile today

Still wondering, “Can you fix crooked teeth with veneers?” The expert team at iSmile can help you make the right decision for your teeth. So why not get in touch with us today? We’ll be happy to walk you through the process and help you choose a solution to get the smile you’ve been looking for.