
Take tips from Madeline

Our Madeline is not a schoolgirl in the blue Cape and a yellow straw hat, who is perpetually testing boundaries and is fearful of Miss Clavell!

In fact, she is not a schoolgirl at all. But a petite and well groomed centenarian, wearing a freshly pressed blue floral shirt, pale blue skirt and a big engaging smile. She grins at the ever young dental assistants with a twinkle in the corners of her eyes and asks, while settling gradually into the dental chair for a regular preventive visit…

…”Do you know how old I am?”

And indeed, looking at Madeline’s pearly whites, one would never guess. Her dentition is the envy of most baby boomers.

“How do you keep your teeth healthy till you are 100?” we ask with admiration.

Here is Madeline’s story.
Our heroine was born and raised in a paradise on Earth; the beautiful Seyshell Atoll Islands over 100 years ago.
Her diet was based on fresh seafood, and home grown and home-prepared produce. Madeleine’s family bred turkeys and rabbits, and they baked their own bread.

They had a relaxed and “well-paced” lifestyle.

iSmile Teeth TipsHere are Madeline’s simple tips: